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FSD beta 10.2 messes up on the highway lol #fsd #fsdbeta
#FSDBeta 10.2 handles a tree in the middle of the road and goes around it.
FSD beta 10.2 full road but doesn't stop at green light
[FSD Beta 10.2] handles tree in the Road
FSD Beta 10.2 Fail | Close Call
FSD Beta 10.2 swerves from car
Tesla FSD Beta 10.2 Aggressive Driving (Mad Max) and Roads without Lines in Beavercreek Ohio
Tesla FSD Beta 10.2 - 50 miles drive - (1 disengagement + 1 intervention )- day #2 10/12/21
FSD Beta 10.2 Problems | Car Drives Down Middle of Unmarked roads
Tesla FSD BETA 10.2 Released For Public!
FSD Beta 10.2 Highlighs of 50 miles drive - Day 2 10/12/21
First day with FSD Beta 10.2!!!